About us
Since June 2019, Setting has been part of the Trescal group, a worldwide specialist in calibration services. Trescal is present in 24 countries with a network of more than 140 accredited laboratories around the world. In Brazil, in addition to São Paulo and Amazonas, it is located in the states of Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Pernambuco, which enables service throughout the national territory. Trescal's laboratories in Brazil are accredited by ABNT ISO/IEC 17025 and offer, in addition to RBC calibration, a range of services to optimize industrial performance.

Attesting the quality and excellence of our company's services and striving for the full satisfaction of our customers, SETTING constantly seeks to adapt its portfolio of services and certifications, thus achieving the following certifications:
- ABNT NBR ISO 9001: 2015 - Quality Management System;
- ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17025 - 9 Accredited Laboratories;
- ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17043 - Proficiency Testing Provider;
- ABNT NBR ISO 17034 - Certified Reference Material Producer (pH and Conductivity MRC)
Quality policy
Setting has defined, for all its activities, a Quality Policy that covers the following principles;
- Provide metrological and proficiency testing management services and produce reference materials in accordance with standardized procedures and customer requirements, in order to obtain their full satisfaction;
- Ensure the commitment of all staff to good professional practices through continuous training in the Quality Management System documentation;
- Meet the requirements established in the following standards and documents: ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025, ABNT NBR ISO 17034 and ABNT NBR/ISO 17043 and ABNT NBR ISO 9001 and other relevant standards published by the General Accreditation Commission (Cgcre);
- The board of “Setting Comércio, Industrialização e Serviços de Calibração e Assays Ltda” is committed to ensuring the necessary resources and actively participating in the implementation and maintenance of this quality policy in order to promote the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System;
Setting aims to accompany the needs imposed by an increasingly competitive and demanding market, it has become essential to extend our services in order to meet its demand, therefore, SETTING offers services such as:
Accredited and / or Tracked Calibration

Our Laboratories are an integral part of RBC (Brazilian Calibration Network) through CGCRE accreditation no. 0165 in the Quantities: Pressure, Dimensional, Volume and specific mass, Mass (standard scales and weights), Electricity, Temperature and Humidity, Physics and Chemistry (pH and Conductivity), Torque Strength and Hardness and Time and Frequency for performing services at the Client's premises or at our labs.
Certified reference material

Aiming to extend its services, Setting developed a laboratory especially for the production and sale of a wide range of Certified reference materials (MRC) in the pH and Conductivity quantities, according to the ABNT NBR ISO 17034 standard, under number PMR 0013.
PEP (Proficiency Testing Program Management)

Proficiency Testing Program Management (PEP) has been strategically included in Setting's Services scope due to extensive experience in Metrological Proof Program Management. Using the guidelines of the ABNT NBR ISO / IEC 17043 Standard, we are accredited by Cgcre as a Provider of Proficiency Testing Programs (PEP 0004) in several quantities. Our current scope comprises the areas of Mass, Pressure, Dimensional, Electricity, Volume and Specific Mass, Flow and Force, Torque and Hardness and Time and Frequency, which makes Setting the largest provider of proficiency tests in Brazil.
Thermal qualification

Thermal Qualification guarantees reliability and excellence in the performance of thermal media (chambers, greenhouses, incubators, sterilization equipment, etc.).
This procedure is essential for pharmaceutical, food, research and analysis laboratories, etc. that use the various thermal means in different stages of their process, so that their product or service reaches the final consumer, offering the greatest possible safety and quality.
Trescal performs thermal qualification service with ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation and has high technology standards and a highly qualified team to carry out thermal calibrations and qualifications.
Certified reference materials (mrc)
MRC is a Reference Material, accompanied by a certificate, with one or more property values, certified by a procedure that establishes its traceability to the exact obtainment of the unit in which the property values are expressed, with each certified value accompanied by an uncertainty to an established level of confidence.
Aiming at extending its services, Setting developed a laboratory especially for the production and sale of a wide range of Certified reference materials (MRC) in the pH and Conductivity quantities, according to ABNT ISO 17034, under number PMR 0013.
Ph certified reference material

Bottle pH 1,678
- Nominal Value: pH 1,678 a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle pH 4,005
- Nominal Value: Bottle pH 4,005 a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle pH 6,865
- Nominal Value: Bottle pH 6,865 a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle pH 9,180
- Nominal Value: Bottle pH 9,180 a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle pH 10,012
- Nominal Value: Bottle pH 10,012 a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ
Conductivity certified reference material

Bottle 5 μS/cm
- Nominal Value: 5µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 25 µS/cm
- Nominal Value: 25 µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 50 µS/cm
- Nominal Value: 50 µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 100 µS/cm
- Nominal Value: 100 µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 500 µS/cm
- Nominal Value: 500 µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 1400,0 µS/cm
- Nominal Value: 1400,0 µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 5000,0 µS/cm
- Nominal Value: 5000,0 µS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ

Bottle 12,85 mS/cm
- Nominal Value: 12,85 mS/cm a 25 °C
- Conformity: ABNT ISO GUIA 34:2004
- 250 mL bottle
- Accompanies Certificate and FISPQ
Contact us
Rua Benjamin Constant, 893 - Sala 01 - Setor Central - Anápolis - GO - Cep.: 75024-020