METROSUL has been present in the Gaucho market since 1995, offering services in the areas of calibration
Serving throughout the Southern Region of the country and with more than 1000 active clients, offering services of:
- Calibration of instruments
- Maintenance of instruments
- Management of the metrology system
- Measurement of parts and samples
- Advice and training
- Commercialization of intruments
- Parts evaluation
- Inspection of parts
METROSUL has its quality system in compliance with ISO / IEC 17025, laboratories accredited by the INMETRO General Accreditation Coordination in Dimensional, Pressure, Mass, Electricity, Temperature and Humidity.
With a structure geared to the needs of a market that demands quality, agility and versatility, METROSUL has a qualified technical staff, as well as its own facilities and standards.
The company is permanently committed to the quality of the services it performs, operating with an organizational structure appropriate to fast service, with high quality and low costs.

Instrument Calibration
Calibration with own standards and specialized personnel in more than 200 items, taking into account Dimensional, Pressure, Mass, Strength, Toughness, Torque, Temperature, Electrical, Glass, Viscosity and Laboratory Instruments.

Measurement of Parts and Samples
Complete structure for the service of dimensional evaluation of parts and devices, counting on Profile Projectors, Coordinate Measuring Machine, Micrometer Banks and Linear Height.
Instrument Maintenance
Structure specialized in maintenance of dimensional instruments, electric and scales.
Counseling and Training
Structure to meet the needs of your company with advice and training aimed at the implementation and improvements of its metrological system and quality.
Metrology System Management
From the use of software, we manage and control the metrological system of your company, with monitoring the life of the instruments, issuing the calibration certificates and management reports of the system.
Trading Instruments
We commercialize Mitutoyo's line of dimensional instruments. When purchasing instruments with METROSUL, calibration is free.
Contact us
Rua da Várzea, 236 - Bairro Jd. São Pedro, Porto Alegre - RS / CEP: 91040-600